One of my favorite Level III topics is teaching movement and dance in our general music classrooms. If you are at all interested in this topic, I encourage you to dust off your Choksy Kodály Context book and read Chapter 3 "Movement and Dance in Kodály Practice" (page 40). This chapter includes a brief history of dance and how it came to be in the United States - a very interesting ready. My favorite part, however, is at the end of the chapter where Choksy has included "A Developmental Sequence for Teaching Movement and Dance via Kodály Principles" (pages 50-51).
I would like to share some of my favorite structured movement pieces (done to recorded music with no singing) that are towards the end of the sequence in the Choksy book. I don't get to dance these much since I'm teaching K-2nd grade and so when I do get to dance them I'm pretty excited - just ask any of my former Level III students!
(in no particular order)
Zingernerpolka - a circle game from Teaching Music and Dance with the recording on Rhythmically Moving CD #2 by Phyllis Weikart
Salty Dog Rag - a partner circle game from Teaching Music and Dance with the recording on Rhythmically Moving CD #9 by Phyllis Weikart
Amos Moses - from Teaching Music and Dance with the recording on Rhymically Moving CD #8
Sashay the Donut - a double circle game with lots of sashaying from Sashay the Donut by the New England Dancing Masters
Troika - a circle dance in groups of 3 from Russia from Teaching Music and Dance and Rhymically Moving CD #2 by Phyllis Weikart
Fjäskern - can be done as a stick passing game or I just learned it as a circle game (thanks Tanya LeJune!) Recordings can be found on Rhythmically Moving CS #2 or Dance Music for Children Level I by the Shenanigans
Borrowdale Exchange - a mixer done in groups of 6 - as learned from Sandy Knudson, OAKE National Conference 2014
Happy dancing!!!

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