Beginning of the Year Brochure

Hi everyone! It's Aileen from Mrs. Miracle's Music Room. Tomorrow, I start school. I've written my song lists, year plans, and lesson plans. I've set up most of my classroom (which you can see here.) I've imported most of my class lists. Now, it's time to work on my beginning of the year brochure!

I first began creating a music program brochure five years ago, when the school I teach at first opened, to inform the parents and students all coming to this new school about the music program, and about me. It also gives me an opportunity to explain a bit about the Kodaly philosophy. During Open House, I make sure I have several brochures folded and ready, so that when parents walk into my room and ask questions, I can answer their questions but also hand them a brochure!

Here is a picture of the brochure, folded up.

On the front panel is the name of my school, my name, the school years, and any other pertinent information.

On the inside of the brochure, I give some information about me, as well as information about any music travelers at my school. Here, I also am able to give some information about the Kodaly philosophy, as well as important concert dates.

On the back of the brochure, I have general information about the music program (how often students receive music instruction, when they receive band, strings, and choir instruction, etc.)

If you're thinking you might want to create your own brochure, the link below is an editable template in which you can edit and add your own information! To print so the boxes line up better, go to print, then click "page setup" in the lower left corner, then choose "options," and then enter 107%.

I hope you are able to use the template, and that it gives parents at your school a greater understanding of you as a teacher, of the music program at your school, and of the Kodaly philosophy!

What do you do to inform your parents about Kodaly-inspired teaching? Feel free to comment below, and have a great week!


  1. Great Design! I get to pass out schedules at our back to school night. I think I just may put this on the table next to me! Thanks!

  2. Wow, I love this template! I was planning on only doing a handout for my extracurricular choir but now I really have no choice not to do a general hand out as well. :)

  3. Thanks so much for this template! The art teacher and I are both going to use it. We were in danger of losing our jobs this year if our levy didn't pass, but thankfully it did. This is an excellent way to communicate with families and advocate for our subject areas (and jobs!). I really appreciate that you share so many of your great ideas! :)

  4. I love this template and have already personalized it for my back-to-school-night tomorrow. Is there a way to adjust the two outer boxes? When I fold the paper over the borders do not line up neatly and there is extra blank space on the flap.


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