Greetings everyone, this is Karla from CMajorLearning! I am super excited to be sharing part II of the OAKE conference 2015 - day at a glance. I cannot tell you how excited I am to be attending this conference! I have been involved in the planning from the start and am very proud of the work that the conference committee, led by the amazing Aileen Miralce, has done!
I want to point out a few things that are BACK to the conference line up as well as a couple of new offerings! First, OAKE has brought back the Sunday morning sessions to the line up! We hope that you can catch these sessions Sunday morning before returning home. Also - super excited to see that there is a morning sing happening each day! Get your mind, body, soul AND voice ready for the day by starting each day at 7:45 singing together - Friday morning led by Sandra Mathias; Saturday morning led by Leigh Ann Garner; and Sunday morning led by Kelly Foster-Griffin. Can't wait for this!!
Now, on to the sessions! As usual, there are just too many great things happening! I'm sure that ALL the sessions will be wonderful, but here is how I'm planning to spend my day with sessions that appeal to me and my teaching situation!
I believe that I'm going to start my day with Manju Durairaj and her "iTeachMusic: InterActive Technology in the Kodály Classroom". Can't wait to learn from this awesome presenter - I know it will be a great start to my Saturday!
Next, at 10:45, I very proud to be a member of the panel for the session "Gathering Data: Writing and Implementing Student Learning Objectives". I know that all will gain insight and knowledge at this session learning from some amazing colleagues of mine - Aileen Miracle, Lenny Davis, Michael McBride and Sarah Oyler. Join us for lively discussion regarding this very important topic of gathering and tracking student data.
Here is where I start to stress - which of the following sessions should I attend? I know both will be amazing! Joan Litman (my inspiring level III teacher from The Kodály Institute at Capital) presenting "Passport! A New Journey in Global Singing Games and Cultural Simulation" OR Sue Leihthold-Bowock presenting "Classroom Blogging for Student Success"….what to do, what to do!?!?!?!
The hard decision making continues with sessions offered during the 3pm time slot…..Donna Gallo and Caitlin Lucci will be presenting another technology session, "Covering" on iPads: Alternative Routes to Music Making" OR Donna Menhart's session titled "Fun and Games in the Kodály Classroom". Right now, I cannot make this decision - will I have to flip a coin? It is so hard to decide!
Of course, the conference would not be complete with out attending the National Conference Choirs Concert at 7pm Saturday evening. An amazing experiences for ALL - students, parents, conference attendees, directors! I'm sure this year will be no exception!
And, if you know me at, you will know I am looking forward to the attending the Presidents Reception following the concert. This is just a wonderful opportunity to visit with friends, both old and new. I always find the conversation lively and the camaraderie irreplaceable!
I hope that many of you are able to attend the conference - if you are there PLEASE come up and introduce yourself and say hello! I am really looking forward to meeting new friends and reconnecting with old! See you soon!

Great summary, Karla! So excited!